McClung Resources
Changing Male Voice: Cooksey, Swanson, Cooper, McKenzie
Classifying the Vocal Range of the Early Adolescent Male
Extramusical Skills: The Hidden Curriculum
How to Encourage Good Singing
NAfME: Find the Shoe That Fits
Proactive and Preventive Discipline
Providing Classroom Structure
Repertoire for Beginning Treble Choirs
Repertoire List for MS Cambiata Boys Choirs
Repertoire List for MS Mixed Choirs, SACB
Single Gender and Mixed Gender Choirs
The Changing Voice – A Bibliography
The Inconsistent Pitch Singer
The Purpose and History Behind The Term, Cambiata
The Voice Check
Voice Classifications and Choosing Repertoire
Voice Testing The Early Adolescent Male’s Singing Range
Free Repertoire
Ah, Dear Heart CCB
American Pride CCB
Come Away Ye Sons of Art, Purcell/McClung CB
I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health. Byrd/McClung SACB
Kyrie CB
Morning Has Come, Round SSA
Oh Sweet Music for the Boys
Ring D’em Bell, Round CB
Samba Chill CCB
Samba Chill SSA
Sweet Music CCB
Voice Testing
Video: Voice Testing
TMEA Presentation
Sight Singing Presentation 2016
Collins Articles
A number of writing essay these programs do not actually provide enough reading material to get a pupil to utilize in their project.